Thursday 21 August 2008

"No clinging"

(c) Edmond Couchot & Michel Bret, “Je sème à tout vent”, 1990.
The dandelion has been used as a logo by the famous French dictionnary Larousse since 1876, being a symbol of the spreading of knowledge.

Today I got rid of about 15 boxes of books. 5 went to a friend, 10 to a charity. Some of these books I had since I was a teenager, others were kept since my university years, others were bought in the years when I tought I would become a psychologist... As there are many books that my mind refuses to read now, and as books are meant to be read, and as I am going through the "no clinging" lesson... I finally let go of them. I feel proud and sad at the same time. Books are very important in my family. It is an important step for me.

One of my friend is very wise and has not a single book in his house, he helped me to do this in a way.

(This leaves plenty of space for beading and textile books lol !)

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Francis Lionheart

Here is my latest spirit doll, Francis Lionheart, made for a little boy born under the astrological signs of the Lion and the Salmon. There's an open eye for good luck and sweet dreams. Fish and feather as reference to St Francis of Assisi who is said to have charmed the beasts and plants even when the clergy took him for a fool. Not many embellishments since I guess everything will be pulled out very soon.

Monday 11 August 2008

Family celebration, 2006

Today the Dalai Lama arrived in France for a 12 days visit. There is a lot of political chit-chat around this visit, since the French President won't meet him and so on. But anyways, I am very happy and moved that he is in my country. All the more so since tonight he is staying with a buddhist community that lives a mile or so from my parents' home, and will give a blessing there tomorrow morning. I will be working in the finance quarter of Paris tomorrow, but I will be thinking of him just like now.

May Peace be with you ! Many blessings to all of you.

Rock engraving in Fontainebleau forest cave