"Le Soleil a rendez-vous avec la Lune/Happy solstice"
This is my new Spirit Doll, that has arrived in her new home today. She's called "Le Soleil a rendez-vous avec la Lune/Happy solstice".
"Le Soleil a rendez-vous avec la Lune" is a famous song by Charles Trenet which you hear
here (hear, hear). While stitching and beading, many songs came to me.
A classic French nursery song :
Bonsoir madame la Lune
Good evening Mrs MoonQue faites-vous donc là ?
What are you doing now ?J'fais mûrir des prunes
I am ripening plumsPour tous ces enfants-là.
For all these little childrenBonjour monsieur le Soleil
Good morning Mr sunQue faites-vous donc là ?
What are you doing now ?J'fais mûrir des groseilles
I am ripening redcurrantsPour tous ces enfants-là.
For all these little children
A Bruce springsteen interpretation of a Martin Luther King text
, We Shall Overcome.
Music from the film
Devdas. Not my favourite Bollywood film (I hate sad endings) but great music and great singers.
The person who received this gift seemed very pleased.